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Posts tagged ‘accidents’

Parenting Fail….

So as most of you know by now I am a SAHM of three kids. Which can absolutely be the worlds hardest job.

The other night, we kind of had a blow-up….and for anyone that knows us, knows that blow-ups are like little tiffs in our house. Well our oldest son who just turned 8 mid October still has accidents one in awhile in the middle of the night. I’ve done a lot of research and some kids who tend to be heavier sleepers do have accidents during the night because their brain just doesn’t make them realize that they have to go to the bathroom. I’ve talked to his doctor numerous times and they say not to worry until they hit about age 10.

Well my son has now gotten into the habit that he doesnt tell us that he had an accident and he’s hiding the clothes under his bed, in his closet, you name it. Wherever he can hide it…he does. So there are days where i will spend 2+ hours ripping his room apart scrubbing it and wondering why it STILL smells like urine. Can never find it. Ever!

Finally, jesus christ finally…..I did their (my 2 boys) laundry on Sunday and found the urine soaked clothes hiding in the middle of a clean clothes basket. (I suck at putting laundry away). I had to wash the clothes three times in order to get the odor out. I almost just threw them all away and bought new stuff, but shit kids clothes are just too damn expensive to be doing that. So I finally dried them, and sanitized the washer and the dryer because you dont want everything smelling like urine after that.

Well I got to the point where I was washing sheets literally every other day or so for awhile and my husband would want to ground my son. I personally dont believe that you should punish a child for having an accident. I believe you should punish a child for HIDING that accident. But regardless I can admit that I suck at discipline. I make him stay in his room for about an hour or two and then he’s done. Well my husband is convinced that he needs to be in his room every day until the end of time. Which I get because for the love of god I have never in my life seen him that mad. I cant believe we all made it out alive.

So the solution seemed to be buying those stupid overnights for kids 6+ who still have accidents. So I did. And I showed them to him. And then I made him wear one to bed last night. He was HUMILIATED. He cried and sobbed and kept saying that he wasnt a baby. And I mean duh he’s 8 he isnt a baby, but I am sick of not being able to let him go to friends house for sleep overs and I am sick of washing sheets all the time.

He woke up dry this morning thank god. And I told him that every morning he wakes up dry…I will put a quarter in the peepee jar I made….and if he pees….he has to take a quarter OUT and give it to me….and usually I put those in his sister’s piggy bank. She’ll be rich my god. But I hope this works…and if any other moms out there read this and have advice or opinions….for the love of god GIVE THEM TO ME!!!